Arthur La Vinger
Born in Budapest, Hungary in 1902, La Vinger attended the Royal Academy of Fine Art before moving to the United States in the 1920s.
Detroit News, 1933:
“A. A. La Vinger is more than a clever draftsman and colorist. He is a philosopher whose observations are touched with irony and humor.” Florence Davies, Art Editor, Detroit Sunday Times.
Detroit Free Press, 1931:
“Here is a painter with something to say and a terrific ability to say it. Of the hundred or rather thousands of pictures which have hung in our Galleries in the past ten years, no painters have made so deep an impression on my memory as La Vinger, who has the fine painter’s instinctive sense of ‘organization’ so that his pictures hang together, has the brutal power, the tender sympathy or the sly humor…”. Ralph Holmes, Art Editor, Detroit Free Press
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