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Diane Shumway

Shumway received a BFA and an MAT from Rhode Island school of Design; she also studied drawing with Bill Flynn at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston and drawing with Paula Townsend at the Massachusetts College of Art.

She has been exhibiting since 1982 and has shown regularly in Provincetown since 1994.

Artist Statement:
Living and working on the tip of the Cape has had a powerful and changing effect on my work.
The land, earth, sky and sea have cast a seductive spell over my vision. The solitude of the great beach and the back shore, the power of the North Atlantic, stir something deep within my being.
Winter with its harsh winds and gray color giving way to the burst of life in spring with its soft colors and sweet air both drive and enchant the creative process.
In the past my work contained many symbols and shapes that were both historic and universal. Now I am drawn to the natural world and yet those shapes and symbols still appear like the tide coming in and going out.

--Diane Shumway, Provincetown Artist Registry
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